• Phone: 804-477-3090 Fax Number: 804-655-6885 Email: riversideccllc@gmail.com

  • 4 South 1st St. Richmond, Virginia 23219
woman smiling

See what our clients have to say about our staff and services by reading some of the testimonials they sent. If you like to share your experience in working with us, you are more than welcome to send your testimonials.

2 responses to “Testimonials”

  1. There’s been times when I just wanted God to take me. I felt like there was nothing to live for.

    Ever since I got plugged in with Riverside, I started living more selflessly. Because I’m taking care of myself, I have more to give other people.

    People see me as a good guy, not an ex-con, or a sketchy guy with a big scar on his face. I see myself with new eyes too. I’m so grateful for that.

    people smiling

  2. My upbringing was rough, I was in and out of juvie. I was on the streets when I got older and struggled with addiction.

    When Riverside took me as a client, everything changed. I always have someone to call that I know really cares about me. I’m now hopeful for the future and I celebrate every day.

    people smiling

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